Get Felt-Free Pool Sunday!

Here at The Loving Touch we try to mix it up from time to time and we're happy to let you all know that we have free pool on sundays! Top notch beers and full bar available! Here's what's on tap to enjoy during the pool games: New Holland Dragon's Milk,New Holland Imperial Hatter Ale,New Holland Ichabod Ale,Guinness,Illusive Traveler Grapefruit Ale,Short's Noble Chaos Oktoberfest,Blake's Wakefire Hard Cider,Stroh's Bohemian Style Pilsner,PBR and of course our delicious WAB beers..Detroit Maiden IPA, Passenger Porter,Nit Wit and The Raspberry Cream Ale. See you all soon!

Mmmmmm Goood.

Mmmmmm Goood.


Get Felt- Rx Bandits To Play The Loving Touch This Thursday October 6th


Get FELT at Fallout Fest